Meet Jerry! He is guessed to be a 4 year old Beagle mix who currently weighs ~30 pounds. He came north from VA on 8/30 and is looking for is forever family. He is such a sweet boy and has so much love to give. Read on to find out more about Jerry:
- Jerry loves to lay around the house next to his people but is also happy to go out to walk around the neighborhood
- He is good on leash without much pulling, has been non-reactive to other dogs. He gets a little distracted by humans because he loves them so much!
- Good with other dogs, respectful of his foster dog brother who does not care to play with other pups
- He sleeps well in the crate overnight and during the daytime, will let you know when he is ready to begin the day
- Appears to be house trained, has not had any accidents since the day after he arrived to his foster home
- He is working on his manners such as jumpiness and learning some basic commands
- Appears to be medium energy, and will thrive with some exercise such as walks or a place to run around, as well as mental enrichment
All adult dogs, cats, and kittens are altered prior to adoption. Puppies too young to be altered at the time of adoption must be brought to our partner vet in Ashland, VA for spay or neuter paid for by Operation Paws for Homes by 6 months of age. Adopters may choose to have the procedure done at their own vet before 6 months of age and be reimbursed the amount that the rescue would pay our partner vet in Ashland.
This dog's bio is based off the experiences of the foster and/or volunteers of OPH as well as any information that we received from the shelter or previous owner. This is very important because it means that while they may act one way in the foster’s home, you may experience something different in your home.