#13602 Sweet Jack (bonded with Luna)

Medium-size, Male, Adult Beagle x Mixed Breed,
Energy Level 4

Energy Level 4 - Needs 1 hour of a mixture of off-leash playtime and or mental stimulation every day.


My name is Sweet Jack. I’m guessed to be 1.5 years old, weighing 35 pounds. I am guessed to be a Beagle mix, but I may have some terrier in the mix. I enjoy hugs, belly rubs, exploring the outdoors, hiking, cuddling on the coach next to you, and yummy treats.

- Housetrained
- Crate trained (Not a big fan but will go in for a treat)
- I know basic commands
- Dog and human friendly
- Okay leash walking (I am curious about my surroundings, may pull a bit when excited)
- Super affectionate

I arrived with my sister from the state of South Carolina. Luna is my best friend and we are bonded for life. We were surrendered by our owner after our house burned down. We were rescued by OPH and were given a second chance on finding our forever home. Click here to see us in training and here to see us playing around. !If you are looking for two cuties with a beautiful tiger looking coat color, then look no further. We are your cubs! Go ahead and click apply. We are waiting for you!

Sweet Jack (bonded with Luna) Sweet Jack (bonded with Luna) is currently being fostered in Charles Town, WV.

All adult dogs, cats, and kittens are altered prior to adoption. Puppies too young to be altered at the time of adoption must be brought to our partner vet in Ashland, VA for spay or neuter paid for by Operation Paws for Homes by 6 months of age. Adopters may choose to have the procedure done at their own vet before 6 months of age and be reimbursed the amount that the rescue would pay our partner vet in Ashland.

This dog's bio is based off the experiences of the foster and/or volunteers of OPH as well as any information that we received from the shelter or previous owner. This is very important because it means that while they may act one way in the foster’s home, you may experience something different in your home.