New Volunteer Application

Name cannot be blank
Email cannot be blank
Phone cannot be blank
Address1 cannot be blank
City cannot be blank
Two Letter Abbreviation PA, MD, VA, etc.
Region cannot be blank
5 Digit Zip Code
Postal code cannot be blank
About cannot be blank
Are you over the age of 18? If not, please add your age in the comments above.

What roles are you interested in?

(social media, advertising, writing, graphic design, photography, art)
(adoption events, education, outreach and engagement, special events - virtual and/or in-person)
(donations, sponsorships, corporate partnerships, fundraising events - virtual and/or in-person, grants, writing)
(putting up flyers, checking feeding stations, monitoring live traps)
(technical - IT/Website/DMS, HR, onboarding, volunteer resources, mentorship program, data and reporting, finance and accounting, writing, special projects)

Additional Foster Questions

What types of Animals do you want to foster?
Do you rent or own you home?

Rental Questions

Are there any pets in your home?

About your Pets

Vet info cannot be blank
Current pets cannot be blank
Current pets spay neuter cannot be blank
  • Kennel Cough
  • Pregnancy
  • Parvo
  • Mange treatment
  • Aggression
  • Leash Training
  • House/Litterbox Training
  • Ringworm
  • Puppies/Kittens
  • Panleukopenia
  • Respiratory infections
  • Urinary Tract Infections
Foster experience cannot be blank
Breed pref cannot be blank
Ready to foster dt cannot be blank
Do you have a fenced in yard?
Kept during day cannot be blank
Kept at night cannot be blank
Kept when alone cannot be blank


Providing email addresses for your references can often speed up the review process.

Reference #1
References can not be related by blood or marriage to anyone living in your household.
Reference #2
References can not be related by blood or marriage to anyone living in your household.
Reference #3
References can not be related by blood or marriage to anyone living in your household.
Please scroll up and correct form errors highlighted in red.