The next time you want to send a card, don’t waste your valuable time searching the store for some non-generic picture or sentiment! Your card can be as special as your relationship: just make a one-time $20 donation to OPH now, and the talented Melissa will create a one-of-a-kind card just for you! Click the donate button, then email to get your cards.
These personalized cards can be customized for any occasion! Want to wish a friend, “Happy Birthday,” or, “Happy Anniversary”? Looking for a creative way to say, “Thank you,” or, “Get Well Soon”? Throwing a party and want to make the invitation memorable? Whatever you need, Melissa will design a card that perfectly fits your personality!
How does she do this? If you have a vision in mind already, let her know and she’ll design the card of your dreams! Not so sure what kind of card you want? Just tell her what you or the recipient like (hobbies, pets, etc.), then sit back and wait for your custom creation!
After you make your donation and send her high-resolution photos of you, your friends/family, pets, or whatever else you want, Melissa will get right to work! So, what are you waiting for? Hurry and click the donate button, then email to get your cards as soon as possible!