#10145 McIntosh Red Apple

On Hold
Small-size, Female, Adult Toy Fox Terrier,

Hi! My name is McIntosh Red Apple (AKA Millie). I'm guessed to be a Toy Fox Terrier mix. I’m about six years old and I weigh about 8 pounds. My world has been turned upside down my first family was unable to keep after 4 years due to things they couldn’t predict would happen. Now I’m finding myself back in the rescue where I started, so it has left me a bit nervous on what my future may look like.
My foster mom says I am sweet but also still trying to come to terms with losing my family and not knowing where I am. Therefore, I warm up to new people slowly so please be patient as I learn to trust. Once I know you’re my friend, I will love to be held and cuddled by you. Right now, I just prefer to stay in my crate and observe the world from there. I call this my safe space for now. I am potty trained and know some basic commands. I also have good manners around cats and other dogs. I’m looking for my forever home again. Can you be patient with me and make me feel safe again? If that’s you, apply today! I can’t wait to meet you and get to know you to.

McIntosh Red Apple McIntosh Red Apple is currently being fostered in King William, VA.

All adult dogs, cats, and kittens are altered prior to adoption. Puppies too young to be altered at the time of adoption must be brought to our partner vet in Ashland, VA for spay or neuter paid for by Operation Paws for Homes by 6 months of age. Adopters may choose to have the procedure done at their own vet before 6 months of age and be reimbursed the amount that the rescue would pay our partner vet in Ashland.

This dog's bio is based off the experiences of the foster and/or volunteers of OPH as well as any information that we received from the shelter or previous owner. This is very important because it means that while they may act one way in the foster’s home, you may experience something different in your home.